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The Dhaulagiri Dispatches

Six Videos Sent From A Summit Attempt
10 May 2021

Follow Eddie Bauer Alpine guides Carla Perez and Esteban “Topo” Mena in Nepal on their quest to climb Dhaulagiri, the 7th tallest mountain in the world, without the assistance of fixed ropes or sherpa support. And did we mention that they’re doing it all without supplemental oxygen?

Watch our Expedition: Dhaulagiri video series, dispatched from the field, to get an insider’s look at the emotional and physical ups and downs of climbing such a huge mountain and follow along on their adventures.


Eddie Bauer Climbing Guide (AMGA/IFMGA)

After she started climbing as a teenager in her home country of Ecuador, Carla’s love of the mountains took her to the French Alps and around the world. Now a certified member of the Ecuadorian Association of Mountain Guides, she has big-mountain accomplishments, including summits of three 8000ers without supplemental oxygen.


Eddie Bauer Alpine Climbing Guide (ASEGIUM/IFMGA)

Esteban “Topo” Mena began climbing at an early age in his home country, Ecuador. In 2013, his passion and experience brought him to the Himalayas, where, at the age of 23, he became the youngest non-Sherpa climber to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen.

Eddie Bauer alpine climbing guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena are in Kathmandu organizing their gear and getting ready to head to basecamp. But…there are complications.

On the ground in Nepal, Eddie Bauer alpine climbing guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena journey to the base of Dhaulagiri and prepare mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the expedition ahead.

Not your average camping trip. Eddie Bauer guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena give us a peek of what life is like at 4200 meters—from sleeping and eating to showering and using the bathroom—as they continue their quest to summit Dhaulagiri.

After their teammate decides to leave the expedition, Eddie Bauer guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena put their heads together to adapt and rethink their climbing plans. As they move forward with their new plan…they make new friends along the way.

Battling through sickness and tough conditions, Eddie Bauer Guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena find themselves in a difficult position on the mountain. The good news? They’ve got each other.

All the weeks of preparation come down to this moment! Eddie Bauer guides Tope Mena and Carla Perez begin their alpine-style summit bid (meaning they will climb without the assistance of fixed ropes, and carry all their own gear). Follow them up the mountain on this amazing journey.

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