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Summiting Antisana

A VR Mountain Climb
20 Sep 2020

Climb an 18,000′ Mountain with Eddie Bauer – No Experience Required!
Watch our new VR/360 Experience mountaineering film, and follow Eddie Bauer alpine guides Carla Perez and Topo Mena as they lead you to the top of Ecuador’s Antisana. You’ll experience firsthand the excitement of hiking on a glacier, traversing a deep crevasse, and sleeping under the unparalleled beauty of a high-altitude night sky—culminated by the thrill of standing on Antisana’s windswept summit!


Eddie Bauer Climbing Guide (AMGA/IFMGA)

After she started climbing as a teenager in her home country of Ecuador, Carla’s love of the mountains took her to the French Alps and around the world. Now a certified member of the Ecuadorian Association of Mountain Guides, she has big-mountain accomplishments, including summits of three 8000ers without supplemental oxygen.


Eddie Bauer Alpine Climbing Guide (ASEGIUM/IFMGA)

Esteban “Topo” Mena began climbing at an early age in his home country, Ecuador. In 2013, his passion and experience brought him to the Himalayas, where, at the age of 23, he became the youngest non-Sherpa climber to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen.


Eddie Bauer Alpine Climbing Guide

High-altitude climber, fitness disciple, and high-camp peacemaker, Melissa Arnot holds the American women’s world record with 6 successful summits of Mt. Everest. She is the first American woman to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen. A professional mountain guide since 2004, she has guided on 4 continents, summited Mt. Rainier 109 times, and co-founded The Juniper Fund to support Sherpa families faced with climbing tragedies.

Viewers with their own virtual reality headsets can experience the summit in full VR by finding our film on YoutubeVR or Oculus TV. Watch the film in 3D and get transported to the top of Antisana! Mobile device users can optimize their experience by opening the film in the YouTube app.

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