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Re-Writing The Story Of The Outdoors

Find Yourself Outside
24 Mar 2021

Can you recall that special moment when you first encountered the magic of nature? In this short film Eddie Bauer One Outside leader Ron Griswell shares his earliest memories of the outdoors and how the power of nature has helped him unlock his freedom, conquer his fears, and empowered him to be a mentor to others in his community…especially those who have historically been marginalized and underrepresented in the outdoors. What does nature have in store for you?


Eddie Bauer One Outside Guide

Ron is an explorer, educator, and trailblazer in the outdoor industry. Frustrated by the lack of diversity in the outdoor industry, Ron founded HBCUs Outside as a bridge between the outdoor industry and students at historically Black colleges and universities. The goal is to promote wellness through outdoor activity, and also to create an interface between the industry and the talent pool that the HBCU students represent.


Eddie Bauer Exploration Guide

Trevor Frost is an explorer, filmmaker, and photographer with an obsession for sharing stories that explore the human relationship with nature. He received his first grant from the National Geographic Society at 22 and at 29 completed his first feature story as a photographer for National Geographic Magazine. Over the last decade, Trevor has worked on every continent except Antarctica , often in remote and difficult environments, like rainforests and caves.

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