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Apple Ginger Fruit Leather – Eddiebauer
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Apple Ginger Fruit Leather

Easy to Make and Store
24 Feb 2022

Fruit leathers are such a fun hiking snack! We especially like to bring them on our winter hikes because they fare well in the cold and don’t become too hard to eat. Making your own fruit leathers means you can play around with all sorts of flavor combinations—Apple & Ginger is one of our favorites but feel free to use just about any fruit that you love!


vegetarian, camping, Hiking

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  • 4 cups chopped apples
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup (more or less to taste)

Peel, core, and chop the apples into 1” pieces and transfer to a pot with the lemon juice, minced ginger, and water. Simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, until the apples are soft.

Carefully transfer the apples into a blender or food processor, add the maple syrup, and process until completely smooth.

Spread the puree on a lined baking sheet or dehydrator tray. The trick to fruit leathers is to spread the puree so the edges are a little thicker than the middle—it will dry from the outside in, so this helps to ensure it will all finish at the same time.

To dry in the oven:
Place the baking sheet in the oven at the lowest temperature the oven can go. Prop the door open with a wooden spoon to allow moisture to escape (be careful if you have curious pets or children).

To dry in a dehydrator:
Place the puree in the dehydrator and set it to 135F.

Dehydrate for a few hours until the fruit leather is no longer tacky and can be peeled up in one piece. Exact times will depend on if you use an oven or dehydrator, the humidity level in your house, etc.

Transfer the leather to a piece of parchment paper and roll it up. Using a pair of scissors, cut into snack sized pieces.

Store in an airtight container or zip top bag for up to a few weeks.


Eddie Bauer Field Experts

Michael van Vliet and Megan McDuffie are the husband-wife team behind the camp cooking blog Fresh Off The Grid (@freshoffthegrid). They launched their website to share their recipes, skill guides, and other outdoor resources.

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