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My Favorite Adventures

13 Memorable Locations From Ron Griswell
05 Nov 2021

Our partners at the Outbound Collective asked adventurer, environmental enthusiast, and EB One Outside Leader, Ron Griswell to put together a list of his favorite epic-to-everyday treks so we can all get outside and experience the power of nature.

Explore Ron’s List of Adventures

“I love to hike for a couple of reasons. One of those reasons is the mental aspect of being in nature – it is healing. Another reason I hike is for my physical well being… I love beautiful sweeping panoramic views of mountains and the ocean just as much as the next person, but I don’t like to focus too much on that. I’ve learned to look for the small things that make the hike enjoyable for me, like recognizing I have breath in my lungs and legs that move.” -Ron Griswell

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