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Setting Intentional Goals

With Nailah Blades
27 Aug 2021

September always feels like the perfect time to check in on your goals for the year. You’ve (hopefully) found space for rest and relaxation during the summer months and the fall marks a good time to take a look at where you’ve been so far in the year and start setting goals to keep moving forward through December.

Now, I love setting goals as much as anyone else, but I’ve noticed that a lot of the time the way we set goals brings more angst than ease. That’s why I like to focus on intentional goal setting, which shifts the focus from the outcome of the goal to relishing the actual process of reaching the goal.

Instead of charging towards a goal and feeling drained when you arrive or even discouraged when you miss the target, you can delight in the process of getting there.

Align your goals with what makes you feel whole and good instead of creating goals based on what you “should” be doing.

And lastly, focus on the parts of the goal that are within your control instead of fretting about things you can do nothing about.

How to set intentional goals:
The first step to setting more intentional goals is to start with how you want to FEEL. Maybe you want to feel more creative or adventurous or at peace.

Then think of 3 things that get you to that feeling. These are your GOALS and are now connected to your deeper WHY.

From there, you can think about what needs to happen to accomplish those goals and break them into smaller steps that’ll keep moving you forward.

How do you go about setting goals for yourself, and how can you be more intentional about the process?

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Eddie Bauer One Outside Guide

A marketing consultant and leadership coach, Nailah never thought of herself as an outdoorsy person. But when she found herself dealing with the stresses of building a new business, being a new mother, and living in a new state away from all her family and friends, she and her husband started exploring local trails. It was an epiphany. The outdoors helped her slow down, listen to her heart, and reconnect with her passion.

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